Pinhole Resources

Sunday, December 2, 2018

From f295: They're responding

f295 was an international discussion forum begun and administered by Tom Persinger. Originally just about pinhole photography, it expanded into all kinds of alternative methods. It was active from 2004 until 2015 but it remains on-line. Recently it disappeared from the web for a few days, and that prompted me to decide to reprise some of my favorites here at Pinholica, for backup if no other reason. 

I recently listened to the Lensless Podcast with Nicole Small speaking about her self portraits and it reminded me of this. Quoting Frank Zappa I had done a post of closeups of vegetables, and followed up a week later with this mostly wordless essay under the title "They're responding" on February 12, 2008.

I can feel it.

About a year later a local art collective organized The Oshkosh Triennial juried show where ten regional artists were featured with six works each and they picked me!  The last picture with the red pepper was one of the images in that exhibition.

These were all done with The Populist, .15mm pinhole 24mm from 24x36mm frame.


  1. f/295 was a great site... amazing camera builders and photographs... very supportive group. That's where I first discovered the Populist!

    1. I don't think I've ever heard anyone describe it as "discovering the Populist!" That sounds like fun. Do you take pictures with one? f295 was kind of a neat community, although it was a little heavy on the old men (me included).
