Friday, August 9, 2024

Ordinary again

All the while I was exposing lots and lots of color last month, I was also carrying around the Toucan 45 loaded with humble Kentmere 100.

Once again I rode around trying to find things I hadn't already photographed in Oshkosh and ended up doing variations of scenes I've already done.

We've had more rain than usual in July transforming the lawns of Menomonee Park into large ponds separating the shore from the city.

I arrived quite early in Kaukauna for the Fox Valley Photography Group meeting and took a walk down the lock channel.

The locks operate daily and are pretty well maintained, but in some places they look like ancient monuments.

A backlit cloudscape with the Fox and the Kaukauna Public Library.

They've been adding to the trees along Miller's Bay. This is the smallest of the new plantings on a very windy day.

Since the last time I photographed this wall in the Art Alley behind Main Street, they've covered it with brightly colored murals, although it looks much the same in monochrome.

The theme for this month for the Fox Valley Photography Group is shadows. I wondered if the shape of the shadow would be apparent against the chain link and pipes of this gate. Not really.

In a previous exposure in this location, a long shot of the entire tree was featured but here concentrated on the shadow.

The back porch of the Morgan House in a little too much shadow.

Shadows at various angles on the County Courthouse.

This is maybe something that would have worked for last month's Abstraction theme, but it's not what I was going for. The label on the door to the right reads "Danger - High Voltage" and there's about an inch of water at the bottom of the stairs. I'm not sure that's all obvious.

Some festive decorations in the Living Room.

The Toucan 45 has .27mm pinholes on the axis and 15mm above it, 45mm from a 6x6cm frame. The Kentmere 100 was semistand developed in Rodinal 1:100.

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