Saturday, March 1, 2025

Handicam's reward for meritorious service

For producing interesting pictures when fed film way beyond its expiration date, I rewarded Handicam with a roll of brand new Kodak 400 Color Print Film (they've really gotten generic with the names lately).

Valoween was celebrated at the end of January. The weather's been quite frozen since then, which has preserved one of the characters from that event.

It's customary to celebrate with sweets on the anniversary of the day that Zernike Au suggested on the
Pinhole Visions email list, "Wouldn't it be great to have a day for pinholers all over the world?" 

We went out to lunch at Pilora's. Does it look like I'm looking at the timer on my phone?

A hazelnut latte is a delicious exposure challenge.

While doing the stereographs for the "Unseen Library," which will be part of my exhibit at the Oshkosh Public Library, I had one pair of frames left for the Director's office, but he was in a meeting for another half hour. The reading room where the show will take place seemed like a good spot to wait. I did also have Handicam in my pocket.

Once I got started with the little camera, I realized there was plenty of time to look around and get a few more documentary photographs. It was the day of a very early primary for some local offices. The meeting rooms in the library basement are polling places. 

The Children's Library shares the basement with the meeting rooms. Still celebrating before this kind of thing is banned.

Is this hidden indoctrination?

Let alone to wander in a library, it's no wonder I found a book to check out.

The following Sunday was Photo Opp's winter Photo Walk at the History Museum in the Castle, just across the corner from Lawrence University and the new Trout Museum.

Hanging around chatting after taking photographs.

A stretch of sunny mornings occurred. For three days I got up and was struck by the beauty of the sunbeams streaming through the east side of the house, but I've taken pictures like that for so long. On the fourth day, I couldn't take it anymore and just gave in to it.

The leather boxes in the living room.

A narrow beam slicing through the room.

Another narrow beam in the sunroom corner. BTW, I'm still practicing and actually it's getting to sound a little like music.

The palm has returned above my head.

The sunbeams weren't always that reliable.

That's more like it.

On the glass table.

Beck's Meats had New York Strip on sale.

Something handy to put into an interesting-looking sunbeam.

The still frozen Jack-o-lantern. Freezing creates some interesting color changes in pumpkins and squash.

It wasn't all sunny weather.

Time to freshen the bouquet in the dining room.

What? That's it?! I thought I bought 36 exposure rolls!

Handicam has a hand-drilled .17mm pinhole 24mm from a 24x36mm frame. The 24-exposure roll of film was the 12th roll developed in a Cinestill Quart Powder C41 kit.