After everyone chose from the materials I had provided for the exterior of their cameras, I was pleased I could make a political statement with my choice. Not a really bold move at an Arts organization in Madison, but it felt good.
Everyone made a light-proof camera that advanced film smoothly, drilled a pinhole within hundredths of a millimeter of the optimal .23mm on the first or second try and successfully exposed a roll of film.

It was initially puzzling until I was handed the camera and could hear the pinhole mount sliding back and forth inside. When fallen all the way against the back it was imaging quite a bit of the back of the shutter. I know I mentioned taping the mount in place, but it's impossible to be sure everyone has heard when they're concentrating on a task. I'll make sure to check that in future. Strange this hasn't happened before. The warping is from the film slightly spooled out into the image chamber, which from our conversations, she probably likes.
I handed out tripods, but kept the $30 generic tripod with aluminum legs and a plastic head with a sort-of three-axis adjustment. Because it doesn't take much to support a three-ounce camera, I bought one to see if it was usable. The legs and their locks were quite good, but the plastic head is a mess. It has, not particularly smooth, different, separate locks on each axis that need to be released and retightened. Even the crummiest ball and socket mount I've had was more flexible and easy to position. The elevator has a stiff crank you have to wind, with a different type of lock. I prefer a lock that just releases the elevator, and you can just pull it up and down.

When everyone was practiced, loaded and ready, I got distracted by something, and when I looked up again, they were all gone. So I set out on my own. We had agreed to meet again in an hour and a half. In some previous workshops, I had left three hours to expose a roll of film, but everyone kept coming back in an hour. For me, that's really a rush, and I acted like it.
Photo Midwest's facility is in a suburban business/industrial park. Across the road is Exact Sciences, a gigantic molecular diagnostics laboratory. The road forms a low valley with the building up a slope. Frustrated without a rising front to control converging verticals, I put the tripod up on a low wall and extended it as far as I could reach. After struggling with leveling it and having a stupid problem with a rubber band in the way, I thought I had accidentally opened the shutter. It turned out I hadn't and advanced past an empty frame. I repeated the process. On the bright sunny day, the exposure measured a third of a second. I was particularly careful to wave my phone away from the pinhole and back as fast as I could (I had forgotten to take one of the black cards). The misplaced rubber band also got in the way closing this second exposure, and I wrestled to get it and the tripod situated without an errant exposure or falling over. I forgot to wind the film. My next exposure was from the driver's seat of a forklift. The very light tripod was again difficult to use in one of my leaning-against-something-with-one-leg-extended arrangements to get to the angle I wanted, and it seems it eventually worked. Looks like I was pretty good at keeping that first exposure short because you can barely see it.
Thanks to all the participants and especially to Wendy Murvke, Programming Coordinator, who did all the administration and acted as a willing foil to my requests to keep a spreadsheet of my comic mistakes. This would be interesting to do again in the fall. Get in touch with Wendy and let her know if you're interested.
The Canadette has a hand-drilled (live in front of five people) .25mm pinhole 30mm from a 6x6cm frame. The film was Kentmere 400.