Saturday, April 27, 2019

Stereo in the 6x9 Variable Cuboid at two pinhole distances.

The image pairs from the 55mm stereo front for the 6x9 Variable Cuboid were unequal widths because of my clumsy craftsmanship. I thought the septum was slightly too long and it bent when placed on the back. I trimmed it and added some stiffening. There is now a bit of overlap but it’s easy enough to cover that with a big black stripe. These are set up for crossed-eyes viewing. Here’s a link to an exercise to learn how to do it.

A few blocks from my house, on a route I commonly use on my bicycle, was an abandoned factory, part of which was already torn down. In the last year they’ve been converting it into apartments. I was a little concerned right after they started because they covered all these windows with wood. They were reconditioning them and now they’ve got them reinstalled. While I was setting the camera up a resident who has the corner apartment came by and told me she’s very happy to have these giant divided lights in her living room. I can’t wait until they get the landscaping done.

A foggy day at the north end of Miller’s Bay.

A classic theme - a door framed in another door.

This is the best 3D effect of the lot.

I photographed the eclipse in January with a 6cm long stereo camera and with a 3cm long normal camera. Maybe just because the wide angle single image was a better photograph, I found myself wondering what the extreme wide angle would have looked like in stereo. So, I built another stereo front at 3cm to find out.

Lately I’ve been taken with the silhouettes of these bare trees along Miller’s Bay and thought I’d try to see if I could capture the depth of the branches.

I put a rising front on it to keep things like these sailboat masts parallel. There can be a problem when you don’t realize how really wide angle the camera is. It sure does separate that accidental foreground object from the rest, though.

Again with the unequal width images! It turns out I also got the film gate a little wider than 6x9 with the extra width all on one side. Hand made camera ya know. Easy to fix with more tape.

The 55mm front has .3mm hand-drilled pinholes. The 30mm front has .2mm Gilder electron microscope apertures. The film is Portra 400.

Happy Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day everybody!

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